Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Belote - 2-4 players - Rules

Belote is a card game played by four people in two pairs.The two opposing people seated form a team. It therefore involves two against two.In France and North America have similar games known by the names respectivelyBelote and Tarbish. The Dutch name is derived from the ancient notion coat,which stands for the farmer as the highest trump. (Remember the French term ' jacques ' for ' farmer'.) Although klaverjassen usually is played with four players,there are also variations that are played by two, three or five persons.
  1. Players: 2 , 3 or 4; 
  2. Play Direction: Clockwise;
  3. Cards: Picket Play, A-H-B-Q-10-9-8-7;
  4. Parts: 2 or 3 players; 6 cards each 4 players; 5 cards each.
The aim of the game is for Trump Maker to gain more points with fame and success than any other player individually. Battle value and values ​​of the cards are as Belote, ranked by stroke value and points in brackets; Trump Boer (20) - Nine asset(14) - Ace(11) - Ten(10) - H(4) - V(3) - Other Crop Farming (2) - Other cards (0). A total of 152 points on the kaarrten on the last stroke down 10 points.
Parts: Each gets 6 cards with 2 or 3 players, 4 players 5 cards. The next card from the remaining cards will be turned to advantage.  

There now follows a bidding round to see if one of the players wants to play on the twisted asset, thus stating that he is trying to gain more points than any other player individually . If everyone folds, then follows a second bidding round in which players may freely choose a trump or pass. Should fit everybody , the forehand must play a selected color (he is the ' Cow ' ). 

With two players, there is an additional bid; Kike , an offer to become either Player , or rearrange . The opponent must choose in the event of Smous or Smousbieder Player may be or whether there will be a new division.

If the twisted asset is made, should the person who Trump 7 on hands ( Dix ) exchange with the turned card , before cards are played to the first trick. 

 Share now three cards from play when two or three people , and turn the last card from the remaining cards face up next to the twisted asset (or exchanged Dix ) , information ( Fille ). In the case of 4 players Trump Maker / Player gets twisted asset or exchanged Dix and only two cards of the stick. There is , of course, in this case, no Filleting because all cards are divided.  


When playing should be praised to the first battle, for combinations of cards that are kept on hand . Only the player with the highest score for this fame , you do when declaring just the kind of fame and appoint the highest card , not the color . After the first battle you have to show the cards. Kaarten may count in multiple fame, once in a square , once in a sequence.

The number of cards determines which is higher fame , or else the card with the highest impact value containing fame. For Hand leads the first trick. You have to follow suit if you can, or else strengths and always trump if possible. Assets under is mandatory if you can not outdo.

You can not control or assets , you can throw any card. Piece ( Lord and Lady of asset ) counts for 20 points, you have to " piece " say when you play the first of the two , and " Chunk " in the second.


Scores are rounded to the nearest tens . If Trump Author scored more than any other player , everybody scores to fame and won points in battles . He scored lower than a player , he scores nothing , and points go to the player with the most points. At draw with Trump Maker , or who gets the points Trump Maker , go to the points in reserve for the winner of the next hand. Broken / Pit ; Should a player pick all the beats , then he gets a bonus of 100 points.

 A player does not receive blows, then the other players share 100 points . If two players achieve not succeed, then divide the other players 200 points. Players may always scored for glory as they were not Trump Maker and no strokes gained , but not if it means they win the game. Play the game for two players to 500 , 700 or 1000 for three players, 1,000 to 1,500 for four.

 You can play Beloto on stargames.com